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Meditation and Movement Retreat




Blue Manjushri retreat




Rob Preece


Brimpts Farm, Dartmeet, Devon.


July 14 - 17, 2023

Fee £350

(Deposit £150. Numbers limited.)



Resting in the nature of mind we can open to the ground of being, the ocean of dharmakaya. However, resting is not easy. Our psychological and emotional history does not always give us the freedom to let go, open, and drop beneath our busy mind. Our mind creates our reality. It is the basis of confusion as we colour our world from our fears and projections, but it can also be the basis of clear spacious awakening. In this retreat we will begin by bringing awareness into the body to explore the levels of contraction that become barriers to our experience of settling. As we relax into the body we can begin to release some of our emotional patterning and soften our normal contracted sense of self, gradually opening to our innate clear and spacious nature. This retreat will introduce the processes that help us move towards the practice of Mahamudra so that we can begin to clear the veil that obscures the innate nature of spacious awareness

"At first the yogi feels the mind is like a tumbling waterfall; 

In mid-course, like the Ganges if flows on slow and gentle;

In the end it is a great, vast ocean…." Tilopa


During this retreat the practice of Mahamudra will be combined with healing movement and the meditation of Shakyamuni Buddha. Mahamudra helps to settle us in the spacious nature of awareness and compassionate presence. The process of movement enables a deepening of our capacity to transform and liberate our emotional life. This then also increases our capacity for meditation and frees energy that can become stuck in sitting practice. The guru yoga of Shakyamuni Buddha helps us open to and align with the source of our clear nature our inner refuge.


This retreat is for those who have some experience of Buddhist meditation. If you are interested but have not worked with Rob or Anna before, we will need to meet or speak via Skype to have a clear sense of whether this retreat will be appropriate. 



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